Become a Sponsor!

Interested in becoming a sponsor this year? Email [email protected] today!


Becoming a sponsor is the ultimate way of showing your support for Boogie by the Bay. We offer several ways for your donation to go towards the items you really care about. And if there is something that you’d love to support but you don’t see it on this list – send us a message!


Just scroll to the bottom of this Boogie by the Bay registration page and select “Donation” – you can enter a custom amount that suits your budget, and matches the opportunity you’d like to support.


Donation Opportunity Tiers

Which opportunity would you like to support?*

*Boogie by the Bay does not allow sponsorships that would be considered a conflict of interest. For example, we disallow any donations that support a competition that you, your spouse/partner, or your family members compete in. However, you may choose to sponsor a different competition than the one in which you or they are competing.

Tier 1: Between $100-$599
Be recognized on our website and social media

  • Junior’s Party

Tier 2: Between $600-$999
Be recognized on our website and social media, and receive 2 reserved seats** at a front row table

  • Novice Jack & Jill
  • Intermediate Jack & Jill
  • Masters Jack & Jill
  • Switch-it-up Jack & Jill
  • Novice Strictly Swing
  • Intermediate Strictly Swing
  • Masters Strictly Swing

Tier 3: Between $1000-$1499
Be recognized on our website and social media, and receive 4 reserved seats** at a front row table

  • Advanced Jack & Jill
  • All-Stars Jack & Jill
  • Champions Jack & Jill
  • Next Generational Jack & Jill
  • Advanced Strictly Swing
  • All-Stars Strictly Swing
  • Champions Strictly Swing
  • Rising Star

Tier 4: Between $1500-$1999
Be recognized on our website and social media, and receive 6 reserved seats** at a front row table

  • Beginner Series

Tier 5: Over $2000
Be recognized on our website and social media, and receive an entire table of 10 reserved seats** in the front row

  • Showcase – Routine Division
  • Classic – Routine Division
  • Photographer (free photos for attendees)
  • Videographer
  • Video Wall

On a budget?
We welcome your support, even if you can only donate a smaller amount!
Consider teaming up with friends or your local club/studio to sponsor an opportunity together.

**Sponsors still need to pay for their weekend passes. Reserved seating is an additional benefit for sponsors, and not otherwise available.